Types of Relationships Break-Ups.


Topic: Types of Reactions After Break-Up.

1. Withdrawal:

- This is a place where many run to once they are told it is over. They get into isolation, or should we use the new covid19 term - Self Quarantine. This action is usually brought about in many instances by pride. Since they do not want to come out and get help. You isolate yourself and pretend everything is okay and no one should see the pain or tears. Here people need help since some withdraw to actions that can really be harmful to them. Like starting to abuse drugs or get into other unethical sexual activities like masturbation. 

2. Social Butterfly:

- Ever see yourself or friend after breaking upturn to another person so fast? Something like alighting from one matatu and getting onto another?

Now, this is the definition of a social butterfly. The majority react this way due to anger. They want to even or 'pain' their ex by moving on. This might lead one into an unhealthy relationship, one where they would be taken advantage of. 

3. Last Ditch:

- As we know FEAR is a force. It can take you in the heart of the battle or carry your feet to safety. When a break up happens a sense of fear and panic also creeps in. Panic is fear in action and it can lead one to do irrational things. Since when panic strikes, reasoning vanishes. Especially to the party that was dependant as opposed to the independent party. Fear of what will happen now that am left all alone with the bills, mouths to feed, etc. People find the boat they were sailing in is now sinking since the 'capital' left. It is when they opt for a last-ditch effort to jump into another relationship to be in a new normal.

People need to keep their values and worth, to know that their dependence should be on God over man. Human beings will surely disappoint.

4. Truly Independent:

- This is the ideal reaction that we should have since breakups occur to 99% of us. We need to know who we are and who we are. We need to know our identity is found in God, not in people we are in relationships with. Though we also need to choose our network well since they affect our true identity.

Even the above three reactions need to find themselves here. This stage is made possible by counseling and a good social network.

If you experience any type of break up, remember to always get help to get you back to a new normal. The help can be possible if you seek a mentor, counselor and even a credible relationship leader to help you.

I hope I have been able to help you find yourself. Thank you and have a great day in the Lord.

Compiled by

Simon Kaba


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