
Showing posts from May, 2020


QUALITIES TO SUCCEED IN REAL ESTATE Enthusiasm; Real Estate is a business where you have a product which you want to offer to your target clients but your target client has too many competing projects craving for their attention. Enthusiasm is a key character one will need. It is the ability to show intense and eager enjoyment as well as, interest to capture and create imagination, so as to secure cooperation. Its quality is contagious in that, if you are articulate and enthusiastic about the project you are offering, others are likely to be interested. We human beings tend to mirror each other; monkey see monkey do kinda behaviour. It is the law of reciprocating. Enthusiasm is the way to developing the requisite rapport with buyers and sellers or decision makers, since it has the ability to overcome doubt in the mind of others. Relationship Building; Real estate does do put to scale your ability to forge strong cooperative relationships with all parties, whether they are directly or t


WHY WE SHOULD AVOID A QUICK DEAL IN REAL ESTATE The holder of the title buyer or seller of a property is a person. People are generally social beings who would like to relate and socialize at all times to know how much we care. People don’t care how much you know and can share about the project until they know how much we care about them. It by knowing this we should avoid rushing deals to closure despite being in a hurry to satisfy our wants which can be disposing of (commission to the agent or ROI to the developer) or own the property. We need to be seen we care about everyone on the table. One needed key characteristics to succeed in real estate is the ability to build relationships with all parties in the transaction. When we try to make a quick deal, in all times an opposite message is communicated to the others. It tends to bring in doubt like, is this project legit? , are all the documentation accurate? , do you authorized to sell? Etc. It is known that when the deal is to


WHAT IS THERE TO LOOK FOR IN A LOCATION?   Many investors both big and small including realtors and agents, when asked the key thing to look when buying a property, they all share the common mantra; location, location, and location. Real Estate appreciation is based on two vital factors; supply and demand. Housing supply in great locations is limited to the number of homes in that location. Most people have no idea what it means by a good location. A good location can mean different things to different people, of course, but there are also objective factors that determine a home value.   Location is important, but having a great location doesn’t guarantee anything. It’s a starting point for what could be a great investment. However, an inept real estate investor could own property at a great location and lose a fortune. It is not known to many that location creates desirability, desirability creates demand, and demand raises property prices. There will always be a demand for

7 God's Gift to Singles.

HOW TO BE AN EFFECTIVE SINGLE The chats and inbox messages from ladies and men asking us how we did it are quite a number actually. We haven’t met some physically but more times than not the chats are similar, inquiring on how to go about their relationship for they would want to do it right. By God’s grace, we, The Kaba’s believe that we have a call for the singles, -transitioning to- young couples and so let me share with you what I came across during my search of scripture and study. When we look into scriptures, there are seven gifts that God gave Adam way before He presented Eve to him. I believe we can borrow from these seven as the steps to take in single-hood. It is from these seven that Adam was able to fulfill his singleness and become a complete individual thus prompting God to say, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make him a helper suitable for him”- Genesis 2:18. All these gifts we get from the 1st & 2nd chapters of the bible. For one to be an effective

Types of Relationships Break-Ups.

RELATIONSHIP CLINIC Topic: Types of Reactions After Break-Up. 1. Withdrawal : - This is a place where many run to once they are told it is over. They get into isolation, or should we use the new covid19 term - Self Quarantine. This action is usually brought about in many instances by pride. Since they do not want to come out and get help. You isolate yourself and pretend everything is okay and no one should see the pain or tears. Here people need help since some withdraw to actions that can really be harmful to them. Like starting to abuse drugs or get into other unethical sexual activities like masturbation.  2. Social Butterfly: - Ever see yourself or friend after breaking upturn to another person so fast? Something like alighting from one matatu and getting onto another? Now, this is the definition of a social butterfly. The majority react this way due to anger. They want to even or 'pain' their ex by moving on. This might lead one into an unhealthy relationship, one where t